What is public transport like?

There are a number of ways to get around town in Tanzania. The primary ways of navigating the cities are:

The dala-dala is the least expensive way to travel around town – it will cost you around 500 TSh ($0.22). But be aware that you may be sharing the ride with non-caged live chickens under the backseat. It’s also important to make sure you have the exact amount, or give a small bill, as you likely won’t get change. Hiring a tuk-tuk or boda-boda will cost you about 4,000 TSh ($1.70) for the same distance as the dala-dala. Travelling by bus throughout the country is not scary and it’s a fantastic way to see the countryside. It’s an 11-hour road trip from Dar es Salaam, the capital city, to Arusha in the north. This includes a 30-minute lunch stop. The cost is a mere 36,000 TSh ($15.50).

Note that if you travel with a tour operator, you’ll be driven around in private vehicles throughout your trip.

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